Fast clear times and maintaining a 32x combo meter is the aim of the game. In it, each of the existing stages can be played on any difficulty with all of your rune power-ups pre-unlocked. Minor bolt-ons include difficulty tweaks and the option to hold your guns in the centre position (like the 1994 original) major additions include the score-chasing spectacular that is arcade mode. It's worth noting that Doom's solo offerings have evolved a tad since its launch, thanks to four major patches. Uncovering his true nature, and the reasons for this colossal shitstorm, are worth the slog. He's basically pissed off that he has to clean up aisle 666 after everybody. Your space marine never utters a word, but he's the most expressively surly mute hero in all of gaming. Additional exposition can be milked from intel pickups. Instruction primarily comes from the architect of this mess, Dr Hayden, a transhuman and the head of the shady UAC. You may need an exorcist to pry the Switch from your hands.Īdmittedly, the 13-chapter narrative won't win any story-telling awards, but it does capture the feel of the classic, eggheads-opened-a-portal-to-hell crisis. Layer in a neat upgrade system that roids up your weapons if you can kill in specific ways, and Doom becomes addictive – fast. Secondly, you can get a full two seconds of invulnerability during any melee glory kill animation (bonus: snapping necks and stomping faces causes a small health boost to pop from the bludgeoned corpse). The first is when you hold in a shoulder button to paint the weapon wheel on-screen and trigger a bit of slow-mo. There are slower moments, of course, when you're scouring labyrinthine vents in laboratories and spaceports for collectibles, but in combat, there are really only two momentary respites. Standing still in Doom is signing your own death warrant. Forget pausing to aim carefully down sights. It often was, too, thanks to swarms of highly agile imps who could lead their fireball shots with stunning accuracy. Not only did it come with the most metal soundtrack since Brutal Legend, but it was a gore-smeared rollercoaster that rewarded players who could shoot skilfully in a series of interconnected arenas while running around like their very arse was on fire. If you missed playing it in 2016, know that this Doom remake is a beast (and where the bloody hell were you?). Understandably, being told to review this Nintendo Switch port made me nervous – like a recovering alcoholic asked to go live-stream Oktoberfest. That's the level of dedication this Beelzebub demands of you, if, like me, you hope to slay its nefarious Ultra-Nightmare difficulty (the mode that deletes your save file if you die). It was my demon for a time, an obsession that held me in thrall to the exclusion of all else, be it work commitments, family obligations or bladder responsibilities. I was possessed by the PS4 incarnation of Doom.